October meditation classes on Tuesdays - Kadampa Meditation Centre Edinburgh

October Meditation Classes on Tuesdays:
The Buddhist Approach to Unwanted Feelings

Emotional Energy Saving

We spend much of our day trying to escape unwanted feelings in one way or another. It consumes a great deal of our time and energy. Sometimes we just don’t want to feel anxious, bored, frustrated. Other times the fear of our own feelings can be so strong it threatens to paralyse us or turn us to jelly. We’ve all been there. Of course there are many ways to avoid painful feelings. Everything from bottling them up to hitting the bottle! But rarely do they work and often they make things worse and leave us tired and emotionally depleted. But don’t worry – there is an alternative.

Painful feelings exist only within the mind and so does the fear of them. We can learn how to respond to them in a more effective and rational way. And we can develop confidence in dealing with our feelings, even those which might normally overwhelm or exhaust us.

This four-week course will introduce Buddha’s unique understanding of painful feelings. We will learn practical meditations to reduce or eliminate the emotional pains that come with simply being human. They are not inevitable – just to know this is a great relief.

Week 1. Putting painful feelings in their place

Week 2. The positive outlook – overcoming discouragement

Week 3. Transforming problems into positive lessons for life

Week 4. Develop confidence in the midst of the pandemic

This weekend we’ve live-streamed Italian Dharma Celebration

Since we’ve reopen Maria is a regular volunteer at the centre.

October Meditation Classes on Tuesdays: The Buddhist Approach to Unwanted Feelings Emotional Energy Saving We spend much of our day trying to

Refuge Vow Ceremony Previous Next On Saturday we were very happy to have 12 attendees at the centre and 27 online taking