Letting go of worry - online event

“If something can be remedied,
Why be unhappy about it?
And if there is no remedy for it,
There is still no point in being unhappy.”
(Buddhist master, Shantideva)
We all have within us the seeds of doubt, worry and confusion and it seems there are many situations right now that can give rise to these harmful thoughts and feelings.
Buddha’s timeless wisdom explains how we can learn to develop the inner resources and strength to transform these thoughts and feelings into positive minds. Rather than dwelling on what may happen to us in the future we can discover how to replace doubts and worry with minds of love and compassion. Rather than feeling overwhelmed or disempowered we can develop supreme inner confidence based on realistic views of ourself and the world around us.
This half day course will look at how we can use tried and tested Buddhist meditation techniques to let go of our worries and replace them with positive, constructive views that lead us to the development of profound experiences of deep and lasting inner peace.
2-3.15: Session 1
3.45-5pm: Session 2
Cost: £15 (£10 for members)
ABOUT THE TEACHER: Gen Kelsang Tsangpa is the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Plymouth. He is experienced, well-respected, and has been a disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for more than 20 years. Through his teachings and example, he shows clearly how happiness depends upon a peaceful mind.