Detox Your Mind - purify with mantra
Pure mind, pure world - healing from within
SATURDAY 14 & sunday 15 DECEMBER | 10AM - 5PM

Do you sometimes feel a bit stuck? Caught up in painful habits or reoccurring difficulties that prevent you from feeling peaceful and happy? Maybe you feel obstructed from moving forward positively in your life with a sense of confidence and direction?
Buddha gave teachings on the law of karma to help us to understand our daily experiences from a wisdom perspective combined with teachings on practical methods we can apply to purify our mind of the causes of negativity that produce our suffering.
On this retreat learn how to purify past karma with guided visualisations and special mantra recitations which are a powerful way of purifying your mind of negative karma and moving on. We will be engaging in ‘Vajrasattva practice’ which is a simple and very beautiful practice that anyone can engage in.
On Saturday the sessions will include instruction on purification practice in general and the Vajrasattva mantra practice in particular. On Sunday there will be less guidance in the sessions so that you can build confidence in developing a regular purification practice. You are welcome to attend the retreat in part or in full.
Everyone is welcome.
Session 1: 10 – 11am
Session 2: 11.45am – 12.45pm
Session 3: 2.15 – 3.15pm
Session 4: 10 – 11am
Session 5: 11.45am – 12.45pm
Session 6: 2.15 – 3.15pm
Fees: £40 full retreat | Sat £25 | Sun £20 | members free
Venue: KMC Edinburgh | 172 Leith Walk, EH6 5EA

Gen Kelsang Wangmo is the Resident Teacher at KMC Edinburgh and has been studying and practising Kadampa Buddhism and ordained as a nun for over 20 years. Loved for her gentle and joyful approach and her sincere example, Gen Wangmo’s lighthearted yet profound teachings provide practical wisdom for modern daily life.

Kadampa Meditation Centre Edinburgh
172 Leith Walk,
Pay and display parking has recently been introduced into the local area around the Centre.
Tram networks to Newhaven are now fully operational with the nearest tram stop to the Centre being at Balfour Street, a few minutes walk away.
Buses also operate as normal down Leith Walk.