Tantra practice class
HYT practice class - sun 3 sept

TANTRA PRACTICE CLASS – for HYT practitioners
with Gen Kelsang Wangmo
Sun 3 Sept | £10 | Members Free | 2 – 4pm
The practice of Tantra, and especially Highest Yoga Tantra, is the very heart of modern Kadampa Buddhism and the quick path by which we can realise our full potential in this life.
This class has been specially designed for those who have received Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment and would like to start, make progress on and complete the path to enlightenment, which is the union of Sutra and Tantra and the Union of Buddha Heruka Father and Mother.
There is an opportunity to receive or renew Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerment during the NKT International Summer Festival at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in the Lake District this summer, July 28 – August 12. Details here.
Fee: £10 | members free
Venue: At KMC Edinburgh, 172 Leith Walk, EH6 5EA

Gen Kelsang Wangmo is the Resident Teacher at KMC Edinburgh and has been studying and practising Kadampa Buddhism and ordained as a nun for over 20 years. Loved for her gentle and joyful approach and her sincere example, Gen Wangmo’s lighthearted yet profound teachings provide practical wisdom for modern daily life.

Kadampa Meditation Centre Edinburgh
172 Leith Walk,
Pay and display parking has recently been introduced into the local area around the Centre. However, there is no charge for street parking after 5.30pm on week days.
Tram networks to Newhaven are now fully operational with the nearest tram stop to the Centre being at Balfour Street, a few minutes walk away.
Buses also operate as normal down Leith Walk.