Tuesdays 7-8.15pm | 6, 13, 20, 27 July
172 Leith Walk, EH6 5EA
How the course is run online
A link will be sent to your email address just before the class start time each week and will remain valid for five days. If you don’t receive an email, please check your junk mail as it may have landed there!
About these classes
Why is it that so often our relationships and interactions with others result in a storm of painful emotions? Why do we feel so much grief when we are separated from those we care for? And why does what appears to be a “perfect match” so often end in conflict? The answer to all these questions can be found within Buddha’s teachings on love, desire and attachment.
Gold and diamonds don’t come shining, glistening and beautifully-formed like those in jeweller’s window. We find them hidden in darkness, misshapen, covered in dirt and rather unattractive – but still they are priceless. Buddha says we are very similar. Beneath our bad mental habits and wrong opinions of ourselves we have something even more precious: our own good heart. We all have the potential to be infinitely loving towards others and to bring real value and meaning into all our lives.
Before you book! Find out more about our membership scheme here
The course is designed sequentially, but you can join at any time. Everybody welcome.
£30 for 4 weeks | £10 per class | free for members